Banned Book Week 2016 Summary


I try to be a religious man. Part of my devotion is "seeking out the best books." During that exploration, I have read several of the holy texts of other religions, and also come across much philosophy of men with scripture mixed in. Through this exploration; I have gained a deeper appreciation for my own faith, and some of my richest spiritual experiences have come from those espousing differing views than mine.

From my point of view, trying to ban a book because it has a character with a different faith tradition than yours weakens you and denies the power of your belief.


I try learn constantly. Part of that learning is figuring how not to be arrogant and recognizing that I don't know everything. Another part of that learning is trying to never rejoice in my ignorance. One example of many in my life follows. In highschool and college, I made fun of those that had chosen the family sciences for their educational career (see arrogance and rejoicing). Years later, as eldest began his own education in preschool; my own ignorance delayed us getting him the help he needed. It took dedicated and wildly intelligent people that had chosen the family sciences for their career to correct the trajectory of my son and teach me how to help him. I am forever indebted to them. Having said all that, I am deeply aware that my privileged position affords me space to learn.

Political swerve for a moment: I'm disturbed that at least since two presidents back, ignorance has been cast as a benefit and knowledge as a detriment. The current president consistently gets "accused" of being "professorial", when I think they mean "aloof". The same dynamics are happening now in the current election. Whether they mean it or not, these complaints carry racist and sexist overtones due to their demographics being traditionally denied access to education.

"A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read." -- Not Mark Twain, maybe a southern librarian in 1910.


Early in high school, I ran into the Icelandic poet/historian/politician Snorri Sturluson. I had already fallen in love with the writings of Tolkien; and in my explorations of his influences, Snorri is the obvious first stop (the dwarf names in the hobbit are lifted straight out of the Poetic Edda. Snorri wrote the Prose Edda, which in text is different, but intent the same.) His story, as I understood it then was that he used his political power and popularity to save the pre-Christian writings and myths from the pyres that are so popular when one culture defeats another. I found a hero.

I clearly remember the moments when I first learned about the burning of Alexandria, the rampages of Bishop Diego de Landa across the Yucatan, British using the Library of Congress to burn down the US Capitol building, the rampages of Comstock across the United States, Nazis across Europe, Pinochet across Chile.

The moment when I turned the corner in Sam Weller's basement in SLC and saw the first edition cover to Farenheight 451 and knew I had to own it. From there I fell in love with Don Quixote and Picasso, but that's another story. Written during McCarthyism, it was an astoundingly brave book for its time, and immensely relevant now.

As I pondered banned book week last night and this morning, I ran into a stupor of thought and so pithy conclusions must wait. Do yourself a favor, go read a new book outside your comfort zone.


I try to be sociable. This isn't something that comes easy to me. Books, for me was a low danger way to find out what other people thought and felt and did. I learned about people wildly different than me, and possible motivations for their actions. I learned about people I could identify with and how they were able to become strong and good people.

I learned about love from Beren and Luthien (luckily, I learned about in-law relations from my father :) ). I learned about human depravity from Dickens and Hardy and Allende and... I learned about compassion from Christ (and found a kindred spirit as he tries to flee to the mountains for solitude).

I had to mature a lot before I was able to put any of the book knowledge to practice (as I'm sure my entire high school co-student contingent can attest, they got the worst of me). But, books got me on the right path, so when I was finally forced to confront humanity on its terms halfway through my LDS Mission in Costa Rica; I was able to land on my feet and begin to become a decent human being.

That isn't to imply that I'm done. Far from it. It was only a month ago that I finally figured out that during small talk situations, when someone asks you a generic question you should answer and ask turn the question about.


I try to be a cockeyed optimist. This actually comes pretty easy to me, but there have been moments where this was in danger.

This is the quick story of how Monty Python and Comic Books (two things often banned) saved my life and made me a better person.

I was introduced to Monty Python at high school as we sat in a back closet that we pretended was a lounge and giggled our way through the Holy Grail while sipping what I hope was just Dr Pepper. Absurdist humor appeals to me (why I love Shakespeare so much), so it was a perfect fit.

A few words about Helaman Delgado. Shortly after my Awakening (something that didn't end up with me walking into the ocean and dying (most annoying book ending ever, Kate Chopin)), I moved to a little town in Costa Rica called "Rio Claro". It is between Golfito and Ciudad Neily. Which won't help any of you find it. Costa Rica is about the size of West Virginia, but while I had been in the north Hurricane Cesar (short anecdotes skipped here) came through and destroyed the Pan American Highway. So, I became involved in endless interminable long bus rides between San Jose and Rio Claro.

During those bus rides, I would sit and listen as Delgado regaled me with the music he loved and stories from the comics he had previously read.

Flash forward to me being back home, I was obsessed with the writings of Philip K Dick (source of most of the best science fiction movies of the 80s, 90s, and 00s). Dangerously obsessed. Probably should be visiting a professional levels.

Anyway, in the midst of this I heard that Terry Gilliam was working on making a movie based on "Good Omens". A book cowritten by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. From there, desperate to read more I found "Colour of Magic" and thanks to Delgado, the comic book series "Sandman". Gaiman breathed fresh air into my world, brushed away the cobwebs, and introduced me to so many other wonderful writiers (Gene Wolfe helped me complete the stitching of philosophy, science, and religion into one whole) and musicians (Ani DiFranco helped me stitch the female experience into my world view). Through Gaiman I was better introduced to the humanity and pain of those with differing gender, race, sexuality, and social class.

All this from late night bus conversations about Psylocke and Spawn and Pink Floyd.